“Gávcci Jahkejuogu – Eight seasons” (2002) finds Mari Boine at a crossroad.
She dismantles her band, and hooks up with ground breaking jazz pianist and producer Bugge Wesseltoft.
Inspired by the emerging and highly potent Mari has gained the confidence in her art to let go and includes both her new band and Bugge in the creative process.
The music materializes in an electronic, cool, almost chic but still unmistakably Mari Boine album.
The album is released to rave reviews and she later invites several techno/house artists to do brilliant reworks of her songs.
- I Come From The Other Side – Boađan Nuppi Bealde
- Song For The Unborn – Reagákeahtes
- Sáráhka’s Wine – Sáráhka Viina
- By The Source Of Aurora B – Guovssahasaid Ájagáttis
- Soul Medicine – Sielu Dálkkas
- My heart always lingers – Mu Váibmu Vádjul Doppe – Hymn
- Butterfly – Beaivelottáš
- In A Blanket Of Warmth – Liegga Gokčas Sis’
- You Never Know – Ii Dieđe
- Tundra Flower – Duottar Rássi
- Let Silver Protect – Silba Várjala
- Give Me A Break – Bottoža Dáhtun
In the earliest years of our Christian era, wondrous rumours of a wild and barbaric people in the farthest north spread even as far as Rome.
So it was that in the year 98 A.D. Tacitus chronicled what he had heard of them.
Far beyond the Germanic tribes lived these Fenni, who had no possessions and were completely wild. They had neither horses nor houses, they were clad in skins; they did not cultivate the land but ate only what they could find growing wild, and their beds were the bare ground. Their only protection against wild beasts and weather was a pitifully primitive hut made of twigs. They had no iron, and instead, tipped their arrows with bone. Thus armed, they went hunting; and the women hunted with the men and took their share of the kill.
From “People of eight seasons” by Ernst Manker
Nordbok-Sweden 1975
Lyrics/sánit: Mari Boine
Music/nuohtta: Svein Schultz
Your fragrant words
filled with unspoken invitations
Me forever searching
My ice breaks, cascading
your strict prohibitions
Oh, always these unmarked paths
Your fragrant words
filled with unspoken callings
Me forever moving
My ice breaks, cascading
your closed in worlds
Oh, all these unmarked paths
If you would only say my name
Within a shadow of fear
witnessed by a lightning sky
I confess my love
Under your blanket of stars
I let myself go with the wind
I give you my all
To you, the prince of my heart
If you would only say my name
Lyrics/sánit: Mari Boine
Music/nuohtta: Svein Schultz
Du álbmás čállosat
jávohis gohččumat
agálaš duohkot deike johtin
Mu jiekŋavuolgimat
du garra gilddosat
Vuoi dáid dihkkákeahtes luottaid
Du álbmás čállosat
jávohis gohččumat
agálaš duohkot deike johtin
Mu jiekŋavuolgimat
du mosko máilmmet
Vuo dáid dihkkákeahtes luottaid
Jos don mu nama dajašit
Soaiggehahtti suoivanis
álddagasaid albmi vihtanin
dovddastan ráhkisvuohtan
Du nástegokšasa vuol’
luoitilan biekka miel’
Dá mu váibmu, prinsan
Jos don mu nama dajašit
Lyrics/sánit: Guiliano Contardo
Sami lyrics: Inga R. Eira
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
I feel the wind that whispers through my skin
melodies of ancient broken dreams
They fill the air and cross the seven seas
seagulls bring the voices back to me
Sivdnideaddján giittan du go
šattulmasvuohta vuoitá
Sivdnideaddján giitosat go eallin
vel ain vuoitá
I recognize a song they sang to me
when I was a child and could not sleep
I open up my heart and start to sing
to you little wing under my skin
Sivdnideaddján giittan du go
šattulmasvuohta vuoitá
Sivdnideaddján giitosat go eallin
vel ain vuoitá
All I had to give you is in your bones
All I had to is let you go
So here I am singing with the wind
tenderly this melody to you
May you live in peace in this old world
and one day may you sing this
for your own child
Sivdnideaddján giittan du go
šattulmasvuohta vuoitá
Sivdnideaddján giitosat go eallin
vel ain vuoitá
Lyrics/sánit: Guiliano Contardo
Sámegiel sánit: Inga R. Eira,
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
Dovddan biekkaža mii
savkkástallá čada liikkiidan
nuohtaid dološ cuovkanan nieguin
Devdet áimmu ja rastildit
buot čieža ábi
skávhllit buktet jienaid
ruottoluotta munnje
My Creator I thank you
for triumph of flowering and fertility
my gratitude
for life’s victorious fulfillment
Muittán lávlaga maid mánnán
munnje lávlo go nahkárat eai rohtten
Raban váimmun ja lávlugoađan
smávva soajážiid my liiki vuolde
My Creator I thank you
for triumph of flowering and fertility
my gratitude
for life’s victorious fulfillment
Visot mii mus dutnje galggai
dat lea juo dus
Buot maid mon galgen dahkat lei
luoitit du
Dás mun livdestalan biekkain
litnásit du lávlaga
Vare ealášit don ráfis dán eatnanjorbasis
ja muhtun beaivi ieš dán lávllut mánnásat
My Creator I thank you
for triumph of flowering and fertility
my gratitude
for life’s victorious fulfillment
Lyrics/sánit: Risten Sokki
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine, Roger Ludvigsen
Let us welcome
life’s treasures
the golden pearls
Let us drink Sáráhká’s wine
celebrate the newborn child
Let us drink Sáráhká’s wine
rejoice in birth
Protect my child
with your silver gift
I’m not afraid of the small ones
beneath the ground
I’m not afraid of the giant Stallo
only of human darkness
My child
Now, when it’s your turn
to wander the old Sami paths
Now that you hurry hurry
do keep on moving forward
I ask
the thundergod to roar
so you are forced to look back
I ask
the thundergod to roar
so you will recognize your paths
Lyrics/sánit: Risten Sokki
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
Váldot vuostá
eallimii čiŋaid
gollehelmmožiid jo
Jugistetnot Sáráhká viinna
illudan dihte riegádeame
Várjal mu máná
šiella silboložan
In bala ulddain
in bala stáluin
fal olbmo sevdnjesvuođas
dál go du vuorru
lea duolbmat
Sáme eatnama bálgáid
Dál go doama doama
luoittašat jo ovddosguvlui
bajánipmila čerget
vai bákkus vilppastivččet
bajánipmila čerget
vai dovddašit iežat luottaid
Lyrics/sánit: Risten Sokki
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
In Sápmi
In the northern curve of the earth
I would walk
my own walk
I would immerse myself
in the gifts of nature
In Sápmi
the northern part of the world
I would enjoy
Our colorful gákti clothing
Follow the wind away from death
Follow the wind away from death
I want to follow the wind away
from death
In Sápmi
In the northern curve of the earth
I would walk
my own walk
I would rejoice in
my own language
Lyrics/sánit: Risten Sokki
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
máilmme davit oasis
bessen duolmmadit
iežan luottaid
bessen njamadit
luonddu attáldagaid
máilmme davit oasis
bessen návddašit
ivnniid gáktehearvvas
Biekka mielde jápmimis eret
Biekka mielde jápmimis eret
Hálidan biekka mielde
jápmimis eret
máilmme davit oasis
bessen duolmmadit
iežan luottaid
bessen biepmadit
beljiid iežan gielain
Lyrics/sánit: Nils Viktor Holmberg
Music/nuohtta: Åge Anthi
If you are caught off guard
naked and nothing feels right
protect the door to your soul
Those who are ceaselessly
led by the spirits of envy
They must be truly miserable
guard the door to your soul
Nothing is as vicious
as the evil language of the conceited
protect the door to your soul
I fear people of two faces
so I tie the devil’s tongue
guard the door to your soul
Lyrics/sánit: Nils Viktor Holmberg
Music/nuohtta: Åge Anthi
Jos don álás nuoladit gárttat
dippegos unnimusat heive
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Geaid gáđašvuoigŋa álu čuovvu
dain ferge leat duođaid giksi
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Ii mihkkege leat nu bahča
go dan birolačča gáddálas giella
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Guoktilaš gielas mun balan
ja biro njuokčama gitta čanan
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Muitte fal sielu uvssa gitta speiget
Lyrics/sánit: Brorson
Music/nuohtta: Traditional swedish / ruoŧŧelaš árbv.
My heart always lingers
in the birthplace of Jesus
My thoughts there gather
as their main sum
There is my longing at home
there has my faith its prize
You I never could forget
blessed Christmas night
A sparrow though has its nest
and sacred resting space
A swallow shouldn’t need to ask
for nightly shelter and peace
A lion knows its cave
Where it’ll find its calm
Should then my God have to hide
in others’ stable and straw?
Lyrics/sánit: Brorson
Music/nuohtta: Traditional swedish / ruoŧŧelaš árbv.
Mu váibmu vádjol doppe gos Jesus riegádii
mu jurdagat leat dasa buot oktii čoahkanan
Das lea mu aibbašeapmi, das oskku dávvir lea
ja nuvt in vajáldahte dan juovlaija mun
Eai hearráid čikŋás lanjat lean dutnje čiŋahun
dus livččii dušše gohččut, ja livccet ožžon buot
De manne it don čiŋain lean iežat gárvvohan
vai livčče gonagasat du gieđa cummistan
Gal cizážis lea beassi ja liekkus suodji maid
ja beškoš maiddái gávdná su idjamášu ge
ja ledjonis lea biedju gos ráfis oažžu leat
mu Ipmilan son veallá vel earáid stáljas ge
Dedicated to those who have the courage to follow their heart,
to stand up for love, I think they are the real princes and princesses.
Lyrics/sánit: Merle Collins
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
trapped in a mold of
molten steel
wings open
poised for flight
Caught by more
than the matter seen
wish I knew
where history been
Wish I knew
where they make the fire
that melt the steel
that make the prison
to hold the butterfly
that spirits made
Lyrics/sánit: Merle Collins
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
ruovdehámat gillarii
Rabas soajáigun
gárvvis girdilit
fámuid giddagasas
Go dieđášin
mii su dohko dagahii
Go dieđášin
gos dan dola gávnnašii
mii daid ruvddiid suddadivčče
maigun giddagasaid ráhkadit
gos ipmiliid-sivdnidu’n
giddagasas atnet
Lyrics/sánit: Kirsti Paltto
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine
Let me wrap you in a blanket
of warmth
to cover you through the dark
until spring
Let me save an ember of fire
that no storm can quench
so you remain fresh and strong
until spring
Hear the song
hear the joik
All through the night
the mountains echo my soul
Hear the song, hear the joik
I hold you sacred in my heart
My vision I share with you
so you find your way
and return when spring is here
Hear the song
hear the joik
All through the night
the mountains echo my soul
Hear the song
hear the joik
I hold you sacred in my heart
Lyrics/sánit: Kirsti Paltto
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine
Giesan du birra
liegga gokčasa
ahte bivat skápma čađa giđa rádjái
Vurken hilaid
mat eai čáskka riđuid siste
aht’ bisut varasin
gida rádjái
Ija lávllun ija juoiggan
ija várit jivžet
Ija lávllun ija juoiggan
ija vurken du váibmui
Luoikkan čalmmiidan
dutnje aht’ it láhppo
fal boađat fas mu lusa
go giđđa lea
Ija lávllun ija juoiggan
ija várit jivžet
Ija lávllun ija juoiggan
ija vurken du váibmui
Lyrics/sánit: Synnøve Persen/ Mari Boine
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine
You never know about the spirits
you never know what they may decide
You never know about the spirits
you never know what they may plot
You probably believe
you make the decisions
you probably think
you are quite the guy
He was adorned with silver feathers
he talked me into leaving my wits behind
I journeyed the paths of his lips
he made me a servant of the stars
I soared the golden winds
embracing silver feathers
summer breezes
and him
Now I sail upon a shoreless sea
icebergs and glaciers surround me
I long for the island of hope
seen in my dreams
the green valley of angels’ song
With tailwinds to the starry side
I’m going there
Guided by the sun
to the starry side
that’s where I go
You never know about the spirits
you never know what they may decide
Lyrics/sánit: Synnøve Persen/ Mari Boine
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine
Dan ii goassige điede maid vuoiŋŋat
dan ii goassige dieđe maid sii gávnnahit
Dan ii goassige dieđe maid vuoiŋŋat
dan ii goassige dieđe maid sii huŧkkažit
Don várra ieš gal navddát
don dat mearridat
Don várra ieš gal gáttát
don dat almmái leat
Son lei čiŋadan silbadolggiiguin
son fillehii mu johtui, jirpmiid guođđit
Su baksamiid bálgáid miel’ vádjolin
son bijai nástebálvaleddjin mu
Luoittašin gollejielaid
Nu ravddahis ábi al’ borjjastan
jiekŋavárit njállás bávttit mu birastit
Nieguidan doaivaga sullo ohcalan
runodan vilttiid eŋgeliid lávluma
Miehtebiggii násttiid beallái
dohko fal
Sugadan miehtebeaivái
dohko fal
Dan ii goassige dieđe maid vouiŋŋat
dan ii goassige dieđe maid sii gávnnahit
Lyrics/sánit: Nils Joahn Heatta
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
A spring day on the tundra
you start to shine again
The dark cold winter
you have endured
Waiting for the gracious summer
to blossom once again
Sunny summer day
you cover the land with your gifts
Before you reached your prime
autumn came pounding
With heavy cold and power
Forcing you to wither
Long winter beneath the snow
you huddled through
the time of darkness
Never giving in to
the oppressive weight
waiting for spring to awaken
Lyrics/sánit: Nils Joahn Heatta
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
Giddabeaivvi duoddar alde
šealgágoađát fasttain
Sevdnjes galbma dálvvi
leat don ceavzán vásihan
Vuorddát buori liehmu geasi
vai fas lieđđugoađašit
Liegga geassebeaivvi
valjiiguin eatnamiid govččat
Don it geargan ollašuvvat
ovdal čakča njágai
Garra galbmasiin ja vuimmiin
deaddilii du goldnat
Guhkes dálvvi muohttat vuolde
sevdnjes áigái náddot
Vuollánan it lossa deddui
vurdet fasttain giđa
Lyrics/sánit: Mari Boine´s interplay with poems by Marry A Somby, Kirsti Palto and herself
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine, Roger Ludvigsen
Our minds were not free
in closed in rooms
Not then
not now
I go way up to
the mountain top
I ask Bieggaolmmái
the wind
to breathe me free
I call the gods of the past
I bend my knees
before the sacred stone
At the heart of the mountain fire
I cleanse all old wounds
At the base
of the sacred mountain
I unfurl my long-hidden
festive dress
Underworld tricksters begone
Now I command you to go
Back off
restless pests
Don’t you ever come back
Let silver protect
Let steel protect
Let silver protect
Join me in a dance
’round these sacred mountains
We go way up
to the top of the mountain
God of the wind
Breathe us free
Our minds are not free
in closed in rooms
not then
not now
Let silver protect
Let steel protect
Let silver protect
Lyrics/sánit: Mari Boine stoahkan Marry A Somby, Kirsti Palto ja su iežas sániiguin
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine/ Roger Ludvigsen
Moskos áimmus ii jorran jurdda
ii dalle ii vel dál ge
Manan menddo várrečohkkii
Bieggaolmmái vuoigŋŋa mu luovus
Čuorvvun čuorvvun
dalá ipmillid
čippostan sieiddi ovddii
Várredola árranis
boalddihan visot
dološgiehpa háviid
Áilegasaid askkis
čihkkon čiŋaid
Loktanehket lonuhusat
de dál de áibmui
Gáidda eret ráfehis riehtis
ále ge šat deike boađe
Silba várjalii
Stálli várjalii
Silba várjala
Stálli várjala
Eango moai dánssošii
Áilegasaid birra
Manne menddo várrečohkii
Bieggaolmmái vuoigŋŋa muno luovus
Moskos áimmus ii jorran jurdda
ii dalle ii vel dál ge
Silbe várjala
Stálli várjala
Lyrics/sánit: Mari Boine
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine
I know I should not remember
what I do remember
I know I should not see
what I actually see
But I so much would like to be alive
I so much would like to
have my own life
So take these memories
and carry them to
the bottom of the sea
So I don’t have to hide what
is not mine to hide
I so much would like to be alive
I so much would like to
have my own life
So take all these memories
bury them
deep deep in the sea
So I don’t have to carry anymore
What is not
mine to carry
Lyrics/sánit: Mari Boine
Music/nuohtta: Mari Boine
Mun dieđan mun un galggašii
muitit dan maid muittán
Mun dieđan mun in oččošii
oaidnit daid maid oainnan
Muh’ mun hálidivččen eallit
mun hálidivččen eallit
De váldet dáid muittuid
ja doalvot meara bodnái
vai mun in dárbbaš čiegadit
daid maid in galgga čiehkat
Mun hálidivččen ealliman
mun hálidivččen eallit
De váldet dáid muittuid
ja vuodjudehket meara bodnái
vai mun in dárbbaš guoddit šat
daid maid in galgga guoddit
“…Paulus Warnefridi Diaconus (722-790): He used the form scritofini, and explained that scrito meant ‘to run’ and claimed that this people’s name derived from their skill in running over the snowy wastes on curved pieces of wood in pursuit of wild beasts …
The skridfennerna, he said, lived in a strange land where there was snow both winter and summer, where the sun shone throughout the night in the middle of summer and where in the middle of winter, the darkness of the night continued through the day. Strange was the land and strange the people …
… About 1200 A.D. The Dane Saxo Grammaticus told the same story, augmented with a deal of new information. The finni lived in the farthest north, in a scarcely habitable land. They were exceptionally skillful archers, accomplished with a spear, and they ran across the snow-covered heights on pieces of curved wood. They carried their houses, vaga domus, with them on their wanderings, and they were clever at sorcery …
… The strange running on long curved pieces of wood is recognizably the Lapp reindeer herder’s regular mode of progression for three quarters of the year. What was for a primitive people a practical necessity as a means of progression has developed into a great sport.”
From “People of eight seasons” by Ernst Manker
Nordbok-Sweden 1975
Translations: Siri Gaski, Kristi Nolen
Sámás: Harald gaski, Marry A. Somby